Domain Name System (DNS)

Domain Name System (DNS) is used on campus to redirect links to a vanity or friendly URL.

Available To

Faculty, Staff

Benefits and Key Features

  • Allows for the creation of friendly URLs to direct users to, making links easier to remember.​​​​​​​


Acceptable Name Guidelines

Units requesting a new third level name (ex. must meet the following guidelines:

  • Can only contain the characters: a-z, -, or 0-9.
  • Marketable - Must be descriptive of it's purpose.
    • For example,​​​​​​​ no​​​​​​​
  • Intuitive - Should be easily understood and not confused with another unit.
  • Appropriate - Language which could be considered derogatory, offensive, or misleading should be avoided.
  • Respectful of Scope and Role - These domain names should reflect high-level organizations in the university or campus-wide services.
    • The requesting unit must have the authority to represent the organization or service indicated or implied by name.

All requests are subject to review and approval from the campus Webmaster, department head, and Marketing Communications.

Getting Started

  • Someone with departmental authority will need to create a Technology Helpdesk ticket including:
    • The desired host or domain name
    • A description of the name and purpose
    • Contact information