Service Catalog

Categories (9)

Accounts and Authentication

These services revolve around the activation, status change, and access to a client's UW Stout account.

Client Support

All services related to user support including software, hardware, eStout, and IT consultant services.

Data Center Services

Services related to server hosting, databases, and storage solutions.

Enterprise Campus Applications & Web

Services and systems maintained by our Enterprise Information Systems team including Access Stout, Salesforce, BP Logix, SharePoint/Stout Cloud, reporting/data warehouse, and integrations to other systems.

Learning and Meeting Spaces

Services related to the technology in shared campus spaces including conference rooms, classrooms, and computer labs.

Learning Technology Services

Services related to our learning management system.

Network Infrastructure

Services related to the maintenance of the network and telecom infrastructure.

Productivity Tools

These tools encompass all tools used on campus to complete day-to-day tasks and communicate and collaborate with colleges.

Security Services

Services related to our information security systems.

Services (2)

Computer Loaner

Computer loaners allow current employees to request a computer for short-term use. This can be for a variety of reasons including facilitating hardware repairs, adjunct use, events, and travel.

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