Instructional Technology Support

Learning Technology Services (LTS) provides support for Canvas, UW-Stout's learning management system (LMS), along with the tools integrated with Canvas, such as, Kaltura/My Media, Zoom, Microsoft Teams,  RedShelf (digital textbooks), Respondus LockDown Browser, and Turnitin.

Available To

Faculty, Staff, Students

Benefits and Key Features

  • Canvas is integrated with Kaltura/My Media (digital recording software/video repository), Zoom, Microsoft Teams, RedShelf (digital textbooks), Respondus LockDown Browser (customized browser for student testing), Respondus 4.0 (tool for creating/managing exams), Turnitin (plagiarism checker), and other external tools.
  • Canvas has three instances: Instructional (for all instructional credit courses - term and non-term based), Training & Development (for employee training) and Continuing Education (for continuing education courses for UWS and non-UWS users).
  • Instructors can create/request sandbox courses in Canvas for course development.
  • Instructors can request blueprint courses in Canvas which allows them to add content and push updates to all of their associated sections.

Getting Started



Service ID: 820
Mon 9/19/22 2:13 PM
Tue 12/27/22 8:07 AM